Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I'm taking the plunge: one sketch posted per day for the next year, a la Cory Walker's challenge. Check out Cory's links to others who are also on board. I'm two sketches behind so far this year, but better late than never.

Today (Jan 4th) we have the X-Men's Dazzler (costume courtesy Silvestri's run). I wasn't sure whether to give her large breasts or small, so I tried both. Small breasts fit her frame better, and appear less exploitative, but since she's a girlie, insecure rock star, I figured she might have gotten a boob-job to boost her career, or might even have been well-endowed from her early teens, resulting in her superficial self-image. My wife maintains that Dazzler is the busty type, and I'm inclined to agree, but given her thin frame and scant costume, a large bosom almost seems too much. Thoughts?

1 comment:

rico said...

You call those big?! Ha, love the drawing, both ways.